Real Estate News 03/05/2025


Today’s News Synopsis:

With both inflation and home prices surging, the median U.S. home now costs $419,200. Is the dream of homeownership slipping away for most Americans?

In The News:


Yahoo Finance – “Housing Market 2025: 3 Ways Inflation Impacts Costs (03-03-25)

“Both inflation and housing prices have risen dramatically over the past few years, but are the two linked in any significant way? Many say they are. And with the median sales price of a home in the U.S. standing at $419,200 at the end of 2024, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, buying a house is off the table for many Americans.

NAR – Built-for-Rent Housing Remains Elevated(02-25-2025)

“Entering the housing market remains elusive to many potential first-time buyers. Increasing new housing construction is one solution to this problem, which could alleviate the housing inventory crisis. ”

CalMatters –  “Californians approved $1.5 billion for wildfire prevention. How will the state spend it?” (02-28-25)

“Go broad or go deep? That’s one of the big questions state lawmakers are debating as they grapple with how to most effectively use $1.5 billion that voters approved last year for projects to reduce the impact of California wildfires.”

NerdWallet – What Happens to Your Mortgage If Your House Is Destroyed?” (03-03-25)

“With natural disasters and homeowners insurance costs making headlines, many homeowners may find themselves dwelling on “what-ifs.” In at least one area, turning that anxiety into action could help ease some concerns.”

SFGate – Are Your Homebuying Tactics Outdated? Experts Share 5 New Rules for Buying a Home in 2025” (03-02-25)

“In recent years, the housing market has been like a roller coaster. Rates have gone from around 3% and remain stuck near 7%, list prices skyrocketed and then came to a halt, and competition went from super stiff to almost nonexistent. With all this change, how are buyers supposed to keep up?”





California Real Estate Investor Events

Bruce Norris will be the keynote speaker at the Fliphacking event in San Diego on Tuesday, Oct 12.

The Norris Group presents its award-winning black-tie event I Survived Real Estate 2023 on Friday, October 27.

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